Is Big Mouth Toothbrush (Shark Tank) Still In Business?

Yes, Big Mouth Toothbrush is still in business. Big Mouth manufactures a variety of oral care products, including toothbrushes and toothpaste, and their products are available both online and in stores.

After Dr. Bobbi Peterson’s appearance on Shark Tank, where she secured a deal with investor Barbara Corcoran, the company experienced a surge in demand, with the Big Mouth Toothbrush selling out within 24 hours of airing on the show.

The company has continued to grow its revenue since then, capitalizing on the exposure and investment gained from the show.

Is Big Mouth Toothbrush (Shark Tank) Still In Business?

Dr. Bobbi Peterson’s innovative toothbrush design has garnered attention for its effectiveness in simplifying oral care maintenance. The toothbrush, known for its larger size and unique features, has resonated with consumers seeking improved oral hygiene solutions.

About Big Mouth Toothbrush & Shark Tank

After appearing on Shark Tank, Big Mouth Toothbrush, founded by Dr. Bobbi Peterson, received funding from Barbara Corcoran. The company sold out all its toothbrushes within 24 hours of the episode airing and experienced a surge in demand.

Dr. Bobbi Peterson is the first black person to design an electric toothbrush, and her product is an oversized electronic toothbrush designed to clean teeth thoroughly and reduce the risk of periodontal disease.

The toothbrush has a long-lasting battery, provides 5 cleaning options, and comes with a warranty. It is recommended by dental professionals and is available in two variants priced at $69.99 and $99.99.

The Shark Tank pitch of Big Mouth Toothbrush involved Dr. Bobbi asking for $150,000 for 10% equity in her company, but she secured a deal with Barbara Corcoran for $150,000 for 20% equity plus $2 for every unit sold.

The product has been well-received, with customers praising its effectiveness and comfort. Dr. Bobbi Peterson’s journey as an entrepreneur and orthodontist has been marked by her commitment to providing innovative solutions to oral health issues.

Big Mouth Toothbrush has continued to grow its revenue post-Shark Tank, with products available on Amazon and the company’s website.

The toothbrush’s unique design and effectiveness have contributed to its success in the market, showcasing Dr. Bobbi Peterson’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to improving oral care

Is Big Mouth Toothbrush (Shark Tank) Still In Business?

Big Mouth Toothbrush (Shark Tank) Key Information:

Entrepreneur Bobbi Peterson
Product Big Mouth Toothbrush
Ask $150,000 for 10% equity
Result $150,000 for 20% equity plus $2 royalty in perpetuity
Shark Barbara Corcoran
Current Status Still in business, growing revenue, shattering 2022 sales record after Shark Tank appearance
Availability Amazon, Big Mouth Toothbrush website


Big Mouth Toothbrush Net Worth

As of 2024, Big Mouth Toothbrush is worth an estimated $1.5 million. This valuation reflects the success and growth of the company following its appearance on Shark Tank and the positive reception of its innovative oversized electric toothbrush designed by Dr. Bobbi Peterson.

Big Mouth Toothbrush Update | Shark Tank Season 14

  • Entrepreneur: Bobbi Peterson
  • Business: Big Bristle Toothbrush
  • Ask: $150,000 for 10% equity
  • Result: $150,000 for 20% equity plus $2 royalty in perpetuity
  • Sharks: Barbara Corcoran

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